The company’s fleet contains 11 EMB- 110P1 Bandeirante, as well as 5 Cessna Caravan 675s and a Embraer EMB- 110P2 Bandeirante too. The company’s main customers included several banking institutions, as well as major courier companies such as UPS and DHL. The company mostly publishes its schedules well in advance, though charter cargo flights are also offered. The company operates under FAR Part 135. Pilots are mainly assigned routes that begin in the evening, and are terminated at the same base as dawn approaches.
The company’s CEO is Mr. David Corey. Unfortunately, recent news has revealed that the company has begun to close its operations and is winding up business. In 2011, the company lost one of its major customers, UPS, which reportedly withdrew its assignments. The company reached its peak during the mid-1980s and the early 1990s, when checks were transported all over the United States. At one point the company catered to a significant portion of the banks within the region. However, as electronic banking took center stage, this avenue was also shut off, ultimately driving down business. At present, the company operates mainly in the northeastern region of the United States of America.